The SANNIO Consorzio Tutela Vini established on Feb. 5, 1999, under Law 164 of 1992 and Ministerial Decree 256 of 1997, now has nearly 1,300 direct members divided among winemakers, winemakers and bottlers.
The “Sannio Consorzio Tutela Vini ” was recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry with a Ministerial Decree of 18/05/2005 (G.U. special series no. 123 of 28/05/2005), a decree that entrusted the Consortium with the task of carrying out the functions of protection, enhancement and general care of the interests related to all the controlled designations of origin and typical geographical indications, of the province of Benevento. By a subsequent MIPAAF Ministerial Decree of 2/28/2008 ( G.U. No. 64 of 3/15/2008), the Consortium also received the assignment of Supervision, as the representativeness of the consortium’s membership is more than 40 percent of the winegrowers and 66 percent of the certified production.
Today under the new regulations (L. 238/2016) the Sannio Consorzio Tutela Vini received from the MIPAAF with Ministerial Decree MIPAAF n.32449 of 19.04.2016 published in the Official Gazette General Series n.163 of July 14, 2016, the renewal of the recognition and entrustment to carry out the functions of protection, promotion, enhancement, consumer information and general care of the interests related to the DOCG Aglianico del Taburno, the DOC Falanghina del Sannio and Sannio, and the IGP Benevento or Beneventano under Art. 41(1) and (4) of L. 238/2016.